Bega Valley/Sapphire Coast

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Kye Tutt

0447 886 897

Paul Tutt

0428 350 924

Supermarket Business in a Blue-Chip – South Coast Location.

32 Bega St, Tathra NSW 2550

Forbes Stynes Prestige Property Sales is pleased to offer For Sale – 32 Bega Street, Tathra. Situated on the Iconic Sapphire Coast in beautiful Tathra, offering a solid local trading neighbourhood, the Tathra Friendly Grocer Supermarket is a great opportunity.

> On the ground-floor is the supermarket with a contemporary fit-out, it incorporates a deli counter, fruit & veg, frozen food section, x 4 isles and x 2 checkout counters, there is associated machinery, plus refrigerators and storeroom along with great wheelchair accessibility at street level as well as access/loading zone off, from the lane at the side of the property. There is a manager’s office with A/C, additional storage with toilet, ample off-street parking.

> The modern residence offers 4 bedrooms, two living rooms, modern kitchen, laundry, spacious outdoor entertaining balcony offering panoramic ocean views, plus double undercover parking.

A high yielding business that is ideal for a family operator or investor.

Opportunity of a lease back with further Option’s, giving the opportunity to secure the return well into the future.

In addition, there is the option to also acquire the adjoining property for further development of the premises in due course. (STCA) The Friendly Grocer – offers ample free parking, friendly customer service and is recognised as your go to convenience supermarket in the local area.

  • Novel ease accessible store, offering direct street access.
  • Lease & options – to be negotiated, if agreed on a lease back arrangement.
  • Retail and office space of 266sqm approx.
  • Land size of 447.7m2 approx.
  • Up-to-date supermarket fit-out.
  • Ample off-street car parking and loading zone off the lane.
  • Wheelchair access.

Inspections by appointment only: For further information, please contact Paul Tutt 0428 350 924 or Kye Tutt 0447 886 897

Sales contact for this property

Kye Tutt

Sales Executive

Bega Valley &
Sapphire Coast

0447 886 897

Paul Tutt


Bega Valley &
Sapphire Coast

0428 350 924

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